Crawford County Courthouse
302 W. Main St., #AS
Steelville, MO 65565
P: (573) 775-2376
F: (573) 775-3066

Steve Black
(573) 259-8882

Mark Pfeiffer
(573) 292-9670

Jared Boast
(573) 245-6499
District 1 Road Shed (573) 775-2828
District 2 Road Shed (573) 245-6499
The Crawford County Commission is comprised of the Presiding Commissioner, who is elected at-large, and two Associate Commissioners, who are elected from two districts (North & South) separated by population and natural geographic boundaries.
Commissioners represent the county on a number of regional councils, including Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC); law enforcement assistance boards; community action committees; and, University of Missouri extension (4-H), to name a few. The County Commission is responsible for the upkeep of county buildings and property through capital improvement expenditures as well as purchase or sale of county property.
Associate commissioners are responsible for hiring and overseeing the actions of the Road District Foreman in their respective district. Contact for each district may be found on the home page.
The County Commission meets each Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Crawford County Courthouse.
You may contact Steve Black at (573) 259-8882 to ask to be placed on the agenda for any given meeting. To allow for adherence to the Missouri Sunshine Law regarding posting of meetings, no one will be placed on the next meeting’s agenda after 4:30 p.m. on the Friday preceding the meeting.