Kellie Vestal
Crawford County Assessor
212 W. Main St., #149
Steelville, MO 65565
P: (573) 775-2065
F: (573) 775-5710
e-mail: [email protected]

The Assessor’s office is responsible for inventorying and valuing all real estate and personal property in Crawford County as of January 1 each year. We also provide aerial mapping and plat books using the latest technology. Full-color county plat books are available for a $50.00 fee.
Access to the Geographic Information System (GIS) site is available by a yearly subscription. Call our office or e-mail [email protected] for subscription details.
Pat Schwent
Crawford County Collector of Revenue
101 Third St., #250
Steelville, MO 65565
P: (573) 775-2845
F: (573) 775-4295
e-mail: [email protected]

The County Collector of Revenue is responsible for billing and collection of current and delinquent real estate and personal property taxes for the county. Collections are deposited daily into an interest- bearing account, then distributed at the end of each month to the County Treasurer.
Tax statements are printed and mailed before November 1 each year. All payments are due by December 31 of every year. Payments received after December 31 are subject to additional fees and penalties.
Delinquent Real Estate Tax Sale: @ 10:00 a.m. on the 4th Monday of August each year.
The Collector’s office also issues business licenses to local merchants.